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At Westlands the protection of the children in our care is one of our key priorities and responsibilities. We are committed to the safeguarding, well-being, health and safety of all our children. We have a caring and nurturing ethos and are an inclusive school. 

We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share in this commitment. All of our staff at school receive annual training as well as information on updates and new policies. Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and are required to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies. We will ensure that all concerns are discussed with parent/carers first, before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a child’s welfare.

Our Safeguarding Team 


Safeguarding Lead 

Rachel Roberts - Head Teacher


 Deputy Safeguarding Lead

 Paula Nicol 

 Safeguarding Governor 

Anne Peters


 We use ‘Family Links’ and 'Massage in school', peer massage programme, to support the children's emotional wellbeing in Reception to Year 4.


Early Help Offer


Operation Encompass - One Year On

Worcestershire Children First logo

Published Wednesday, 27th November 2019

Over 3,000 domestic abuse notifications have been referred to schools since the launch of Operation Encompass 12 months ago. 

Operation Encompass, operating in partnership with West Mercia Police, Worcestershire Children First and schools first started in November 2018 and aims to support children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. 

It is a process whereby the police and children’s services inform the school if a child or young person has experienced any domestic incident prior to the start of the next school day. This information sharing allows school staff to provide emotional and practical support to their pupils experiencing domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass ensures that a member of the school staff, usually the Designated Safeguarding Lead, is given special training to enable them to work with the police and children’s services in receiving and using the information that has been shared in confidence.

Sarah Wilkins, Director of Education and Early Help at Worcestershire Children First, said: “We want to offer the best support possible to children and young people experiencing domestic abuse at home.  Acting upon the information received schools can take the child’s circumstances into account when interacting with them. It could be small things such as providing them breakfast, allow for quiet time, not punish a child for not having done their homework or being late but instead provide them with space and allowances given what they have experienced.”

DS Sharon Wallace, West Mercia Police, said: “Operation Encompass has allowed the working partnership with agencies to enhance the service offered to children who are exposed to domestic abuse in their homes.

“Ensuring that there is a safety network around the child, before this schools may have not been aware of their home situation and this extra information can shape the care and support for them.”

Further information can also be found in the following school policies below: