Class Dojo
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Get wonderful news about your child’s learning and success!
At our school, we really believe in strong communication with our Parents and Carers. One of the ways to support this is through the school to parent app - Class Dojo. The app will tell you about all the wonderful things that your child is learning, and alerts you when they’ve been praised for good work or a great character skill. No more replies of "Nothing!" when you ask "What did you do at school today?"
It makes you smile, feel proud, and inspires better home learning support and encouragement.
Get Started. It’s free!
All new children will be sent an invite link to join their child's class.
Create a positive culture
Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it's working hard, being kind, helping others or something else
Give students a voice
Students can showcase and share their learning by adding photos and videos to their own portfolios
Share moments with parents
Get parents engaged by sharing photos and videos of wonderful classroom moments