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Complaints Procedure

Please first speak to your child's class teacher, head teacher or an adult that you feel comfortable to approach. You could also speak to, email or write to the governing body explaining the problem and why you're unhappy with what the school has done about it. 

If you have a concern related to special needs, then the school office has a variety of leaflets available and the SENCo is always free to answer any questions that you may have. However sometimes you may have a concern or query that you would like to discuss with someone outside of school.

SENDIASS are the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service covering Herefordshire and Worcestershire. At HW SENDIASS they have a dedicated team of advisors offering legally-based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They support parents, carers, children and young people with SEND and our service is impartial and confidential.


Office opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm.



or visit:



Hopefully, things will get sorted, and any issues resolved quickly. 

The vast majority of complaints and concerns can be resolved informally, through the school’s ‘open door’ ethos.

If you would like to find out more please read the policies below.