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- How will school help my child with SEND?
How will school help my child with SEND?
Teachers will continually assess, plan, do and review a range of interventions for your child, as part of the 'Graduated Response'. These interventions are often based on the recommendations of an external professional, such as LST, EP, SALT and/or Autism/CCN team.
Pupils will be part of the process throughout and fully involved in the decisions made.
It is really important that parents talk to their child's class teacher, as support is done on an individual basis.
There are so many strategies and resources that school can trial to support your child and a few favourites are listed below.
Communication and interaction
Visual aids e.g. timetables, help cards, word banks
Recording devices e.g. talking tins, microphones
Gestures e.g. sign-a- long
Cognition and learning
Task boards e.g. now and next, post it notes, chunking
Writing frames e.g. sentence starters, picture boards
Small group e.g. over learning, adult to repeat instructions
Adapted tools e.g. pencil grips, easi grip scissors
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Wellbeing e.g. nurture time with Pip, lunch group
Social skills e.g. key person, buddy system
Anxiety e.g. key person, Reach 4 wellbeing, brain breaks, calm zones
Mentoring e.g. key person, 1:1 nurture sessions with Pip
Sensory and/or physical needs
Adapted resources e.g. seating, hearing aids, visual aids, fidget cushions, writing slopes, weighted cushions
Exercises e.g. occupational therapy exercises, yoga, Activate
Sensory breaks e.g. chewing snacks, calm spaces, sensory room